Wednesday 2 October 2024

September 2024

We have had a lot of rain in September - but not as much as the UK!! We don't remember have seen the Ariege so green at this time of year. The grass is growing like it does in the Spring and everything looks very lush. We have had some clear and sunny days as well which have been lovely. 

         We went back to England for a short visit before Dave went into hospital last week for his                       scheduled operation to remove the troublesome appendix. Unfortunately they found further
         infection so he has had to stay in for another week! He should be home before the weekend 

Lesley's photos

Dave's photos

Sunday 1 September 2024

August 2024

 We enjoyed a visit from Dan and Jess and the children in the middle of the month. Other than that we have been busy with the garden and other things. The weather has been very mixed with more rain and fewer extremely hot days than last year - so very pleasant in fact!

Just a few photos this month - here!

Thursday 1 August 2024

July 2024

 The beginning of July didn't entirely go to plan as Dave ended up in hospital with a bad appendix related infection. He had to stay in for 9 days on an anti-biotic drip - much against his will as he actually wasn't feeling very ill at all! The infection has thankfully cleared up and he is feeling fully fit again, but he will have to return at some stage to have the appendix removed.

Dave returned home from hospital well enough in time for me to go to England as planned for a short visit to see the family.
Summer has now well and truly arrived with some very hot days, and some wet ones in between as well which has been good for the garden. After a slow start most of the vegetables are doing well.

The St Victor village fete took place as usual on the third weekend of the month. We joined them all for a drink and the usual memorial service on the Sunday lunchtime.

We celebrated our 41st wedding anniversary with a really special meal at restaurant Bassas in Pamiers. 

Here are few photos of the month
Photos of July

Tuesday 2 July 2024

June 2024

 Another busy month of gardening, socialising, music, bike rides etc. Settled summer weather hasn't really arrived yet, but the garden is thriving on cooler than normal temperatures and some rain.

Here are some photos

Saturday 1 June 2024

May 2024

I enjoyed a short trip back to England to see the family at the beginning of the month, then returned here with Dad and friend Jenny. We very much enjoyed their visit, as well as the opportunity to be 'tourists' with them for a few days. Pamiers and Mirepoix markets are always a must, as well as Sabarat and the cave at Mas d'Azil, some lovely local walks and a drive up to the Prat d'Albis above Foix
We also enjoyed a short visit from friends Andy and Debbie with their grandson Charlie. We also drove up to the Prat d'Albis with them as well and saw that the cows and horses have been returned to the high meadows for the summer

The weather has continued to be very varied and changeable. We are harvesting an abundance of strawberries and cherries and Dave has planted onions, tomatoes, green beans etc and is nurturing them while they are small as they are always at risk from extreme wet or hot weather, as well as small animals who find them very tasty!!. Dave's raised bed is working well for lettuces as well.

The grass is also growing apace as always at the time of year, but the mower has broken down. The parts are on order and Dave is hoping to fix it next week! 

Our photos for this month

Tuesday 30 April 2024

April 2024

 The above and attached photos make it look like summer has well and truly arrived, but this week we are plunged back into winter!! Its turned very cold and wet.
However we enjoyed a few days break on the Costa Brava. Roses off season is lovely and we found a great little apartment with fantastic views over the beach and sea. 

Lesley's photos
Dave's photos

Monday 1 April 2024

March 2024

 Spring time photos this month, of the garden, a walk and a couple of bike rides
Our photos for March