Tuesday 2 July 2024

June 2024

 Another busy month of gardening, socialising, music, bike rides etc. Settled summer weather hasn't really arrived yet, but the garden is thriving on cooler than normal temperatures and some rain.

Here are some photos

Saturday 1 June 2024

May 2024

I enjoyed a short trip back to England to see the family at the beginning of the month, then returned here with Dad and friend Jenny. We very much enjoyed their visit, as well as the opportunity to be 'tourists' with them for a few days. Pamiers and Mirepoix markets are always a must, as well as Sabarat and the cave at Mas d'Azil, some lovely local walks and a drive up to the Prat d'Albis above Foix
We also enjoyed a short visit from friends Andy and Debbie with their grandson Charlie. We also drove up to the Prat d'Albis with them as well and saw that the cows and horses have been returned to the high meadows for the summer

The weather has continued to be very varied and changeable. We are harvesting an abundance of strawberries and cherries and Dave has planted onions, tomatoes, green beans etc and is nurturing them while they are small as they are always at risk from extreme wet or hot weather, as well as small animals who find them very tasty!!. Dave's raised bed is working well for lettuces as well.

The grass is also growing apace as always at the time of year, but the mower has broken down. The parts are on order and Dave is hoping to fix it next week! 

Our photos for this month

Tuesday 30 April 2024

April 2024

 The above and attached photos make it look like summer has well and truly arrived, but this week we are plunged back into winter!! Its turned very cold and wet.
However we enjoyed a few days break on the Costa Brava. Roses off season is lovely and we found a great little apartment with fantastic views over the beach and sea. 

Lesley's photos
Dave's photos

Monday 1 April 2024

March 2024

 Spring time photos this month, of the garden, a walk and a couple of bike rides
Our photos for March

Friday 1 March 2024

February 2024

 Blue sky and snowy mountains! One of several beautiful days here in February, but we have also had a lot of rain which we do need. It has rained in the mountains as well which hasn't been too good for the ski resorts, but the last couple of days have brought some much needed snow.

Dave has been in England for a while this month, looking after Dan and Jess's dog this time while they were away. Its my turn to go back and visit the family this week

Here are a few photos from this month

Saturday 3 February 2024

January 2024

Just a brief post this month, with these 3 photos above. The weather has been quite cold at night, but very warm at times during the day, incredibly warm for January. We have enjoyed a few bike rides (see above). The second photo is of the village of Camon from the voie verte (Green way), and the third is of Jean Marc playing locally with jazz group Olive and Swing.

Dave has been in England for a while looking after Lucy and Andy's dog while they were away, but is home again now and we are busy tidying the garden (as usual!) before everything starts to grow.

We have had a busy month in fact, with 2 lots of guests in the suite, dinner and a music session with our music friends, as well as evenings with other friends.....and old friends back to visit for a while.

I also attended the annual New Year drinks and lunch party in the village while Dave was in England. For a small commune there is always a good turnout and it was good to meet some new people.


Wednesday 3 January 2024

December 2023

 We have just returned home after a lovely couple of weeks celebrating Christmas and the New Year with the family....only Nala is out of shot in the above photo!
The first 2 photos were taken on a cold but sunny morning here in December.
Wishing all our blog followers a very 
                                                             Happy New Year