The garden did become a bit of a distraction this week - but Dave is relieved to have given all the grass two cuts already. This is all a bit of a shock for the mower after its winter rest, so it is requiring quite a lot of TLC! We have also started digging over the vegetable plots ready for planting. We decided to allocate afternoons to the garden and mornings to the Pyrenees Suite - we now have lights up in there and have almost finished the floor tiles. Another couple of mornings grouting, then my knees can have a break!! More photos next week!
The weather has been warm and sunny, if a bit windy at times. Yesterday afternoon we decided to take some time out, so drove up to the 'Prat d'Albis', which is just the other side of Foix. Another lovely open plateau with suberb views of the snow capped Pyrenees in one direction, and Foix and its castle in the other, this is an ideal area for walking. We also saw a huge group of parascenders both flying and taking off from near the summit, which were very colourful and interesting to watch.
The ground is now drying out sufficiently for us to think about finishing off the pool - another job for next week!