At last!! The pool is full! Unfortunately this was followed by 2 days of rain, but Dave has now been in and I have had a paddle! We just need to lay the coping stones now and tidy up the surroundings - but it has been well worth the wait.
Friend Helen from Maidenhead has been to stay with us this week and we very much enjoyed her company. Despite the 2 days of rain, we have had some very warm and sunny days as well, so were able to get out and about, including a lovely climb in the Pyrenees on Sunday morning.We also had an evening out with Helen to a small local town to see Jean Paul's band 'Shaker' in concert. They were really excellent and Helen and I had a good bop!'Shaker' will be playing for us here in the garden on 8th July for ourSummer party - so we will look forward to that.More photos of the pool and the past week can be seen herehttps://picasaweb.google.com/lesleyolver/LaMaireJune2011#

Well, I spoke too soon! The thunder storms turned into about 2 weeks of unpredictable, wet and cool weather. So we had to delay the pool liner fitting yet again. The latest arrangement is for this Wednesday and the forecast is looking favourable -so we are crossing our fingers yet again!
The weather turned out to be too wet at times even for gardening so we have been finishing the Suite (see above) and also fitting the small bathroom suite in the attic. We have also set up my mountcutting table so I am back in action! It feels very satisfying to know that the house is just about completed for now. No doubt here will always be a few finishing touches needed, but for now we are happy to say it is finished!!
It was great to have Linda and Ivan here to stay for a few days this week (see photo above). We also had guests from Hemel Hempstead here for 3 nights. It was lovely to have a house full and we both really enjoyed all their company. It was a shame to weather wasn't a little warmer for some al fresco meals, but we did manage one lunch outside. It always surprises me just how much nicer food tastes out of doors.
We are being well looked after by Odile at the farm this week as well. They killed a few ducks just recently so we have been given one for the freezer - and were also shown the next lot of ducks coming along. They were just a few days old when we saw them - very sweet and fluffy!
Odile also gave us a bowl full of cherries from their tree and some delicious home-made pork pate. They really do treat us - we are lucky to have such good neighbours and I must bake a cake for them soon to say thankyou!