Friday, 1 May 2020

April 2020

Hello everyone! We hope that everyone with whom we have not been in touch during the last month is in good health and surviving the weeks of home confinement. 

We have kept busy with the garden, music, painting, local walk and have enjoyed regular 'apero Zoom' chats with friends and family as well. We often see the neighbours for a chat over the fence and of course the farmers continue to work hard. 

The Ariege is still relatively untouched by Covid 19, but on my weekly trips to the supermarket there have been very few people out and about and around 50% of those who are are wearing masks.
France begins its de-confinement plan on 11th May and people are already starting to go out and about a bit more as they are less afraid of catching the virus now and there are less police controls in evidence.
It will be some time yet before everything is back to normal, but it will be good to have the shops open again, to see friends and to walk further afield

The beginning of April was very warm and dry, but the last couple of weeks have brought some rain, which the dry ground needed. The combination of warmth and rain has encouraged everything to grow, including the fruit and vegetables which are getting off to a good start

Here are a few photos of the garden and my daily 1km walk to the village and back
Lesley's photos