So here is the blog update, posted on a Sunday evening 'chez nous' - not at McDonalds!!!
It has been a good week. The weather has still not been great - it has apparently been an unusually dreadful Summer so far. The usual run uf uninterrupted hot and sunny days hasn't really materialised, but it has actually been great for us, as higher temperatures would have made working a lot harder - and we have still had a reasonable amount of warm and sunny weather, so no complaints! We would just like normal conditions to resume next Summer when we have the pool in place!!
Lucy's boyfiend, Andy, arrived on Tuesday, and was a great help with laying patio slabs, painting the kitchen - and cooking and washing up! We had planned to have a day up in the mountains, but the weather didn't oblige, so we just had an afternoon out at Carla Bayle, which they enjoyed. Otherwise, there has been plenty to do here to keep everyone occupied and we have all had a fun week.
On Thursday evening, Dave and I went to Lisa and Neil's - they had an 'aperitifs' party for friends to celebrate the opening of their B&B accommodation, which they have been working hard to prepare over the past few months. It was lovely to spend some time with all the new friends we have made since arriving here.
It was Daniel's last day today, so we went up the Plateau to Beille again - Daniel was keen to cycle up it, so Dave and I spent some time at the Sunday market at the village of 'Les Cabannes', then drove up to the top to meet Daniel. He really enjoyed the ride, despite some rather moody cloud building up, and it was also very cold (for Summer!) at the top - just 10 degrees!
We take Daniel to the airport tomorrow - we have really enjoyed having all the 'kids' here and they have been a huge help as well - we have made a lot of progress over the past few weeks. We will then be on our own for 2 weeks before good friends June and Jim join us at the end of the month
Looks like a lot of hard work has been done, but I can't see Dave in the picture!