A final entry before Dave takes me to the airport.....
It has been a week of warm sunshine and thundery clouds building late in the day - see photos!
There has also been a bit of drama up at the farm over the last couple of days. Michel (our nearest neighbour and brother of Moise, who runs the farm at the top) called by on Monday morning to say that their elderly mother had died during the night, and that there would be quite a lot of cars going to and from the farm. Sure enough, the cars started from lunchtime onwards and all through Tuesday as well.
We felt we should offer our condolences to the family as well, so also wandered up there in the afternoon with some flowers. They were all pleased to see us - and must have been exhausted coping with such a steady stream of visitors and keeping the farm running as well. We were slightly alarmed to be invited in to see 'la mere', who was there in the house (!!!), but managed to politely decline!!
Moise was still in his work clothes and the atmosphere was actually quite jolly - and became jollier as the evening went on, probably fuelled by a fair bit of wine and Ricard! As Moise said, 'c'est la vie'!!
Daniel flies out to help Dave on Monday, then Lucy and I will join them in a couple of weeks - so we are all looking forward to having a bit of a holiday and some family time.
Glad you are able to have some time to relax with a drink and enjoy the lovely view! The storm clouds look wonderful - paintable??